Al Loehr Veterans and Community Studio Apartments
12th St N
St. Cloud, MN 56303
Lisa Bell - Property Manager
Studio apartments for Veteran and non-Veteran single adults who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless.
This property is located on the VA Medical grounds. Since this is Federal property all alcohol and firearms are banned.
Amenities include: elevator, ramp entrance, air conditioning included, heat and electric included, televisions in lounges, antenna service, off-street parking, mini-blinds and large community room. Well-lit with a security system and secure on-site storage units. On-site staff includes a caretaker and property manager. Landscaped grounds, bus service on Pantown/Waite Park bus line.
See income limits below.
Rent is $570. Security deposit is the same. Tenants are responsible for cable and phone. Other utilities are included.
Al Loehr Income Limits-Effective 4-01-2024
1 $43,750
2 $50,000
3 $56,250
4 $62,450
5 $67,450
6 $72,450
7 $77,450
8 $82,450
Vouchers are accepted at all the above properties. Small dogs and cats are also accepted.
All HRA properties are smoke-free.